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Am 28. September 2021 fand die erste von zwei Infoveranstaltungen für die Freikurse Englisch an den FREI'S Schulen statt. Das Interesse ist gross an diesen kostenlosen Englischkursen, die im Namen des Kantons Luzern durchgeführt werden: Die Infoveranstaltung war denn auch ausgebucht. Eine zweite findet am 27. Oktober 2021 statt.
29. September 2021
Kostenlose Englischkurse: «Danke für dieses super Angebot!»
Im Auftrag des Kantons Luzern führen die FREI'S Schulen seit letztem Jahr kostenlose Englischkurse für EFZ-Lernende mit Berufsfachschulstandort Luzern durch. Und die 77 Kursteilnehmenden sind gemäss Umfrage begeistert.
26. August 2021
London blog@home by Caroline: «Because of Corona we had the opportunity to start our internship half-a-year earlier, which I am beyond grateful for»
«My name is Caroline and I am working at the Migration Office in Stans and I started on August 3rd.»
27. Januar 2021
London blog@home by Dario: «I am ready to learn about even more tasks»
«I am Dario and currently, I am working for Meraxis AG, a trading company for polymer, which is located in Muri near Berne.»
20. Januar 2021
London blog@home by Flavia: «It never gets boring and I enjoy working with my current team in our little office»
«My name is Flavia and I am currently working at Axetris AG, a company of the Leister group.»
13. Januar 2021
London blog@home by Raphael: «I genuinely feel optimistic about my future in this internship»
«My name is Raphael and I started my internship at Brun Marty Dytan AG in Nebikon some weeks ago.»
6. Januar 2021
London blog@home by Jill: «I have already been able to learn a lot in the first few weeks. »
«My name is Jill and I have been working as an intern at the company LakeSideBau in Rothenburg.»
16. Dezember 2020
London blog@home by Noah: «I think I have found the perfect company for me»
«My name is Noah and I started my apprenticeship on the 1. September at the company Antrimon Group AG.»
9. Dezember 2020
London blog@home by Jessica: «Every day offers a different challenge»
«My name is Jessica. I am working for Treverso AG which is located in Reussbühl. Treverso AG was founded in 2006.»
1. Dezember 2020
London blog@home by Jasmin: «I have been working for a month and I have learned some things already.»
«My expectations of this internship are that I can gain more business experience and develop a lot of new skills. Furthermore, I would like to learn more about my company.»
25. November 2020
London blog@home by Lara: «So far, I have been able to learn a lot about our students at the BBZW.»
«In terms of what I expect from the company, I hope that they provide me the opportunity to develop not only my abilities regarding physical work but also the psychological element of work.»
18. November 2020
London blog@home by Priscilla: «My daily routine»
«I also find it very important that I can see other things and look into the work of others, so that I know what is on my desk in the back office.»
11. November 2020
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